Thursday, October 7, 2010

Automation Inauguration

To connect, automate, and simplify the billing process

If we were to boil everything about CompassBill down to the simplest possible unit, this is what it should look like. This idea defines what we do here. Anything that doesn't fulfill this vision, even if it may be arguably useful, just isn't true to our application.

Version 1.3 of CompassBill continues is finely tuned to this vision, particularly simplification and automation. Continuing what we started by leaving out late fees*, we have removed statements as well. In addition, we've simplified our menu, making it quicker to get to the most important sections of CompassBill. Even our newest features, our automated invoice generation and reminders, were kept simple.

Speaking of automation, this release marks our next big step towards satisfying the second part of our vision. What started with recurring charges has been expanded to automatically generating invoices and emailing reminders to customers.With this powerful, yet simple, features added to CompassBill, you can generate invoices and improve your accounts receivable turnaround while sound asleep, giving you more time to build and expand your business.

We invite you to login to CompassBill and try out these powerful new features. Automated invoice generation, recurring charges, and automated reminders are accessed from the new Automation tab on the menu. As always we welcome any feedback. Here at CompassBill, you are rest assured that whether you wish to compliment or complain about us, you'll be talking to a developer.

Oh, and about the first part of our vision? Stay tuned.

* Yes, we're aware that post has a somewhat different "one point vision". Our new one is a clearer distillation of our vision, and we reserve the right to refactor our vision, as we do to refactor our code. So there.